Our Products

We extract the best
out of nature

I was taught at an early age by my parents and grandfather how to work with my hands I come from a family that can build just about anything.

I got started building furniture a few years ago when my daughter bought a rustic dining room table. My wife wanted one and she was going to call this gentleman to build her one. I told her not to call I could do that. I heard my wife and daughter chuckle a little so I was more. determined than ever to build it. The things we do to prove our wives wrong sometimes.


Why RiversWoodwork?

My wife was an only child and Mr and Mrs Rivers were very good to me and my family. After the the army I worked 2 and 3 jobs while waiting for full time at my current job. We never needed for anything but it was a paycheck by paycheck life. One weekend we went up to see them and he took us down to the dealership to pick up my mother in laws new car. When we got there they rolled out 2 fully loaded grand marquis one for us and one for her. When Mr Rivers gave you something you said thank you that day and he never wanted to hear about it again. So how could you not pay tribute to such a couple?

See how our furniture is made of wood

Contact Us

We're located in Lawton, Oklahoma. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

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